By Emmie Meeks
Reporting on the BoB Online Conference: Session 3 - Robbi & Matthew
On September 26th, our research team along with Dr. Joy Erikson and Robbi & Matthew, presented at the first-ever Busload of Books Online Conference. The event consisted of three one-hour presentations, first from the research team, followed by Dr. Erikson, and concluding with Robbi & Matthew. With over 100 registered attendees from across the country, the evening was filled with wonderful discourse surrounding the research, the experience, and the kids! If you weren’t able to tune in, or if you just want to hear these wonderful presentations again, we have provided recordings of each session, which include the presentation and a Q&A with each of the presenters for your viewing pleasure. We are also providing a brief recap of each session here on the blog!

Rounding out the conference, Matthew Swanson and Robbi Behr, the author/illustrator team responsible for the creation of the Busload of Books tour, gave a presentation detailing their experience on their nationwide tour and their reflections on the impact of their work. They also ended with an interactive activity that mimics part of their school assemblies, to give attendees a taste of what students at tour schools get to see.
They began with sociological background statistics that inspired them to create an experience for students in Title 1 schools. Their first school, long before the bus, was right here in Chestertown, which happens to be Robbi’s former elementary school, and the school that Robbi and Matthew’s children attended. From there, they described the process of creating the bus and the tour, and eventually give highlights from their yearlong trip. Filled with pictures of students smiling from ear to ear, their presentation is refreshing, heartwarming, and inspiring.
At the end of the presentation, Robbi and Matthew introduced us to what they call “The Full Moon Feeling.” The basis for their book, Everywhere, Wonder, The Full Moon Feeling can be found anywhere, big or small. At each of the tour schools, they ask students to share what gives them The Full Moon Feeling, and as eager students shout out what fills them with wonder, Robbi draws what they describe, creating a story board of imaginative illustrations. Throughout the process, Matthew is asking questions, trying to gather as much detail as possible for Robbi. As they’re filling the board, Matthew tries to pull out a main character and a plot line, and finally students end with naming the story they created. Using the chat feature, and some shout outs, attendees shared their Full Moon Feeling and went through the same process as students.
They then stuck around for a Q&A with the other presenters, joyfully wrapping up a wonderful evening. Be sure to check out the video of this session to see Robbi & Matthew in action!